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"I Won't Let Go"

So much of what we all read about, write about, think about, etc... revolves around the dynamic of TTWD.  It has to do with the inner workings of whatever dynamic you may be involved in, and how that affects your play and daily life.  Yet, daily life sometimes can creep in and create issues.  Oh hell...who am I kidding?!?!  Sometimes daily life doesn't creep, it runs at us full speed and blindsides us, like a Linebacker coming from the weak side and absolutely leveling an unsuspecting Quarterback.  You know the kind of hit I'm talking about...the one where you wonder how the Quarterback could even still be alive, no less get up and keep playing. 

It can happen to us all.  That's just the way life is.  It is unrelenting, vicious, and happens out of the blue.  This is when the acumen of a Dominant is seen with clarity by his submissive.  When she is down and facing life obstacles and misfortunes...this is when A dominant needs to step up and be a real man.  I'm not speaking about a man of the Dominant persuasion.  He needs to be able to shed his Dominant cape when the situation calls for it.  He needs to become a mortal man and be there for his submissive.  He needs to be her best friend, her shoulder, her counselor, and be there for her in any way she may require.  He needs to offer her all the comfort and support he has, and then some.  He needs to be her rock and her foundation. She will see this and will take notice.  How a Dom behaves during these tough times, in her eyes, will define the kind of man he really is.

I have been told before... "Don't worry about my problems.  I don't mean to unload on you and bring you down with my weight."  You know what I say to this?  Hogwash!!!  When she is happy...I am happy.  When she is sad...I am sad for her.  What makes her happy...I enjoy.  What causes her grief...I want to destroy.  Her problems are my problems and together we face and deal with them.  A good Dominant will be fully invested in his submissive.  From the good, to the bad, to the otherwise.  If it affects her, then it affects him.  He isn't there just for the fun and play moments.  He should be there for every moment.  He should be willing to ride the waves of life with her, whether it is going up one side, or coming back down the other side. In the end this will bring you closer and strengthen the binds between you. 

I heard a song today that made me think of this very thing.  It's about being there for your partner.  It's about offering comfort and stability.  It's about letting them know you are there for them no matter what.  It's letting them know that their fight is also your fight, and you will be there for them no matter what.  These lyrics (chorus and refrain listed) are so strong to me, and are words I live by:

Rascal Flatts - I Won't Let Go

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight

And I won't let you fall

Don't be afraid to fall
I'm right here to catch you
I won't let you down
It won't get you down
you're gonna make it
Yeah I know you can make it

Always be strong for her.  Always be there for her when she needs it most.  Be willing to give of yourself in every way possible.  Be willing to hold, comfort, and support her likes she needs and most definitely deserves.  And remember..someday you just may need it yourself.

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