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Begin Again (Making Tough Choices)

Life is full of tough choices.  Sometimes life runs smoothly and all seems well.  Other times life has a lot of bumps in the road you must navigate through.  It seems that there are a lot of times no matter what choice you make you are taking the wrong path.  It is these times that make and define who you are as a person...or at least who we turn out to be.  The defining of who you are may not be in making the choice itself, but in the consequences of making the choice and where that choice leads you. 

When it comes to relationships, there are many hard choices that you have to make.  Nothing to do with a relationship is easy.  It's hard work.  It takes time and effort.  The rewards of the efforts can be tremendously satisfying and joyful.  But what if the rewards aren't great?  What if all your time and effort gets you nowhere?  What if your time and effort leads you down a dead end road?  What if your relationship makes you less and less satisfied and and more and more miserable no matter how much time and effort you put into it?

If you are in this type of situation, then you have some huge choices to make.  Basically, there are two options for you.  First, you can choose to stay in your comfort zone where you feel somewhat safe, even though you know you will never be happy.  Second, you can choose to pick up your tent and move on, with the hope that you can find and have the happiness you deserve and desire.  Neither choice is easy.  No one likes to get outside of their comfort zone,  yet no one likes the thought of having to start all over either.  However...there are times when a fresh start and getting out from under all the pressures of a dead end situation is worth more than anything.  Sometimes it is great to be able to look forward and see light instead of staring into a darkness that never ends.  IT can be a chance to...Begin Again!

Beginning again is never easy, and it is never this cut and dry.  There are always many other factors that figure into these decisions.  There are finances, property, kids, jobs, homes, etc...  There are other things and other people to worry about than just your own reasoning.  I know this first hand.  I have been there.  I have done that.  I knew it was right for me, and I did it.  I picked up and moved on.  IT was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.  I hurt some people along the way and caused a lot of grief.  Yet in the long run, and looking back now, it was the right decision.  Those I hurt will tell you it was the right decision, even though they couldn't see it at the time. 

That is what you hope and wish for everyone.  That your decision is truly what is best for everyone.  Even though it may cause giant ripples in the water now, you hope it turns into smooth water with a great sunset and a pristine view.  So do you stay where you are comfortable and stable, yet completely unhappy, or do you make the choice to move along hoping for the pristine view and potential happiness ever after?  Only you can make that decision.  Only you can decide which choice is right for you.  Unfortunately, there is no way to know ahead of time what is best.  After the fact you can Monday Morning Quarterback the situation until you are blue in the face.  All you can do is what you think is best for the long term and will make you the happiest.  Sometimes, the best thing to do is...Begin Again!

(FYI - before you ask, this is not about me directly, or about my current relationship.  It is something on my mind and I thought I'd share.  I'm no different than anyone, and have had and will continue to have some huge decisions in my life.  Decisions that will shape the future, and will shape me into the person I am to become.  Just some thing to think about and ponder)
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