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Does "I Do" Lead To "I Don't"?

This picture...hmmm...this picture.  This reminds me of what we hear so much about in a typical relationship.  A couple is together for a long time, or even a short time, and things become stale after a point.  The mundane begins to set in.  Life begins to set in.  It seems that we always hear about the male half never getting any.  "Any" being sex.  He is interested and he tries, but she always is tired, or has a headache, or something.  The guy is always turned down and never gets satisfied, or has his sexual needs met.  And if he does, it's a hurry up, have sex, and get off of me situation.  Or at least this is what all guys hear in their circle of friends.  All you guys reading know exactly what I mean.  Don't get me wrong, as the male has his faults as well and contributes to this happening.  For now though, I'm just talking about this scenario to lead to my point in the rest of this post. 

Of course, in the previous description I'm referring to a typical vanilla relationship.  I mean, what submissive in her right mind would give her Dominant the finger like that?!?!  Or at least do it and still have it attached to her hand.  LOL!  Ok, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.  Simply by the nature of the relationship and the dynamic involved, something like this isn't very likely to occur in a D/s relationship.  Part of this is based upon the respect and openness that is inherent within TTWD.  Part of it is based on the wide open sexual nature of a D/s relationship.  (Yes, I am insinuating that D/s couples are much more sexual in their relationships than their vanilla counterparts.)  Part of it is the mental and emotional connection between a Dom and his sub.  In a situation like this, I think D/s couples are way ahead of the game in the sexual arena.  And we all know that the sexual arena is a big part of any relationship, and can be the cause of a lot of strain, and even the ending of marriages and relationships.

What got me to thinking about this is something I heard recently.  A friend of mine is going through a divorce.  In my state, anyone getting a divorce is required to go through parenting classes (a big joke) if you have children under the age of eighteen years old.  At his recent class, the instructor told them the divorce rate for this city, which is the fourth biggest in the state, is at 79% for all couples that get married.  OH MY GOD!!!  Yep, you heard that right...79%.  That is the highest in the nation.  I was astonished!  Of course it's not like I can say a whole lot since I have been through a divorce myself.  But that number...that says that you are almost guaranteed to be divorced at some point if you ever choose to say "I Do".

I don't know if there is any real way to know this, but this begs the question for those of us in this lifestyle.  Is a couple involved in a D/s dynamic more likely to stay together than their vanilla counterparts, based on the dynamic within the relationship?  Maybe...maybe not!  Whether you are vanilla, kinky, into D/s, or whatever, there is still life to deal with.  We all deal with the same pressures and worldly, jobs, finances, etc...  So, is the respect, openness in communication, openness about sexual activities, and the chemistry and emotional involvement and bonding between a Dominant and a submissive, enough to keep them together?  Is a D/s couple more likely than a vanilla one to succeed long term?  Is there more glue in the relationship of a D/s couple to hold things together?  This is one guy that has no idea.  It is something interesting to think about and consider, though.

I will say one thing.  If I am trying to be intimate, close, and passionate with my partner (which I think is extremely important to a relationship), and she starts giving me the finger...we are going to have some serious problems!!! 

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