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Formspring Issue (updated - see comments)

First of all, to the person that sent me a formspring question this morning and requested I not post it here...I did not get anything but the first couple of lines of what you sent.  For some reason my formspring cuts things off like that.  ARGH!!!  So please find a way to re-send it, as I would love to read the rest of what you wrote.  The easiest way may be to use my tumblr site and put it in my ASK box on there.  I know it works well, or standard email.  I hope to hear back from you and read what you had to say. 

Now...for anyone else that uses Formspring.  Do any of you have the issue I'm having?  I receive a question/comment, and it will show a sentence or two and then it cuts off.  I can't figure out how to read the rest of what was sent.  But obviously it is letting the sender type and send much more than what I am seeing.  Any assistance from any of you using FS would be greatly appreciated.

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