I read a post a couple of weeks ago that stayed with me. The post was written by Discerning Dom and was titled "Long Distance". Because I have been there and done that, I know exactly how this feels. I have kept trying to think of a way to write this, but have had trouble with it. So the only thing I know to do is tell you how I feel about this.
In the post, Discerning Dom speaks of his own personal long distance relationship, and how he goes about dealing with it on a daily basis. I have done the online D/s thing. There are ways to make it work, between email, text, chat, phone, etc... In this day and age it is easy to meet people from all over the country, if not the world. Things aren't like they used to be. It used to be that you met someone through the travels of your life. Whether it be school, work, church, Friday night at the bar, the hot chick working behind the counter at the movie rental store, or whatever other way you can think about. These days you never have to leave your house. Fire up the ole computer and away you go. You can be talking and chatting with people from god knows where within minutes. My point being...it's not hard to strike up an electronic conversation and begin discussions with someone. I'm not by any means saying this is wrong, or that I'm against it. Just pointing out that we live in a very mobile and fluid society these days, and it is much easier to connect with those that interest you, from all over the world.
I was asked a question and gave an honest answer on my other blog, Dauntless Arousal, that had to do with long distance relationships. My answer was that I wish for more than what a long distance relationship can give. I have been involved in them, and have dealt with them from a D/s dynamic and perspective. They can be fun and enjoyable, and you can even really connect with someone and develop true feelings for them in this manner. This type relationship can have everything but the physical connection. And that is where I begin to have my problem.
For me personally, I need the physical connection. I need to be able to touch and be touched. I need to be able to take all I have discussed with someone and put it into practice. It's one thing to control and demand things of a sub over a distance. It's another thing to be able to do that to them in person. If I am involved in something long distance, especially one where there is really no chance of ever seeing each other, then I find myself lacking after a point. I need more, and more is something I can't have. I also reach a point where I feel I can only take a sub so far under those circumstances. I hit a wall and feel as though I can't really do much more than I am already doing.
I don't want any of you to think I am down on long distance relationships. That's not my intention. If it works for you, you enjoy it, and you get what you need from it, then great for you. I just find that for me, while it may serve it's purpose short term, long term I have trouble with it. I need more, and want to give more, than what distance can offer. This may leave me alone (so to speak), but at times the being involved and needing, yet not being able to have, can be worse than doing without all together.
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