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That Time Of The Month? (Formspring)

I recently received the following question via Formspring...

What do you do with your sub when she is on her period?

This is actually a pretty good question, and one I haven't seen many people write about.  Or maybe...because of the topic I purposely skipped over those posts.  LOL!  Anyway...I'm going to try to keep this...ummm...tasteful.

I think a lot of this depends on the two people involved.  Some people will avoid sexual contact completely during menstruation.  Others don't let it slow them down one bit.  Personally, I can hold out and avoid that area during this time.  I would prefer not to deal with the mess.  Or as a special friend once told me... "I have two other perfectly good holes.  There is no need to go there while I'm on my period."  This always made me laugh, but she has a good point.

There are plenty of other good ways to enjoy each other, and keep the D/s dynamic alive, without having to deal with sex during her period.  As pointed out before, there are other ways to enjoy her body.  you can work on oral skills together.  You can work on anal pleasure together.  You can work on your bondage or flogging skills.  The choices are endless.  Or as Domly as it may or may not sound, you could use this time to relax and just hold each other and be together.  Nothing says you can't use this time to take a break, re-group and refresh, either. 

I have always enjoyed using this "down time" as a time and way to bond mentally and emotionally.  It's a perfect time to spend reading and researching about this lifestyle together.  You can share thoughts and ideas.  You can banter back and forth about your views, how they are similar and how they differ.  You can expand on what you would like to try together.  You can look at expanding your horizons and what those horizons may be.  It's like setting the ground work and having a planning stage.  So, when the skies clear and things are back to normal, you are then ready to jump back into being more physical and intimate with your new-found knowledge. 

By no means does the world stop or slow down because a woman has her monthly cycle.  It's just part of life.  Your D/s relationship shouldn't stop or be put on hold either.  Yes, if it's all about sex for you, then this may slow you down a bit, at least for a week, but it shouldn't be all about sex anyway.  There are plenty of ways to keep the fire alive, and to actually grow what the two of you have together, during this time.  It's not always a bad thing.  Some time away from the physical, and concentrating more on the mental and emotional, can be very good for your relationship.

Of course all this is assuming she isn't the type to turn into a monster and wants to rip apart any and everything that stands in her way, and would prefer to rip your guts out and jump up and down all over them just for looking at her in what she perceives is a wrong way.  If that's the're on your own.  I can't help you.  Run!  Run for your life!  You are better off having a man cave somewhere and hiding out until the sweet little sub returns to normal.   (sorry I couldn't resist a little jab for fun)  :)

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