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BDSM Hits Main Street

I was talking with my wife the other night (who is not into this scene for those that don't know that), and she started telling me about this book she was reading.  She said it was like any other book until...she got to a particular chapter.   (I can't remember if she said chapter 3 or 8)  Then the look on her face changed and she said "I had to stop and look to see if I was still reading the same book or if I was on your blog."  LOL!  All of a sudden things went BDSM apparently, and it caught her off guard.

Any guess on the book?

Yep, turns out she was reading "Fifty Shades of Grey".  This book seems to be getting a lot of attention lately, and has hit Main Street with full force.  It has been on several talk shows.  I have seen several blogs posts mentioning lately as well.  It is being read by our community as well as vanilla America.  It appears to be the acceptable version of women's erotica (porn), and an introduction to so many people about this lifestyle. It even got a whole article unto itself in the New York Times (see article here - a good read), where this book is referred to as "Mommy Porn" and "Twilight for grownups".  The book is "introducing women who usually read run-of-the-mill literary or commercial fiction to graphic, heavy-breathing erotica"  One part of the article even says... “What I found fascinating is that there are all these supermotivated, smart, educated women saying this was like the greatest thing they’ve ever read,” said Meg Lazarus, a 38-year-old former lawyer in Scarsdale". 

The funny part about my wife is she said she has no desires whatsoever to do any of those things, which I already knew, but I looked at her and said..."But it turned you on didn't it?"  Maybe it was just the book, maybe it was the acts themselves, but on some level she knew she was aroused.  That didn't mean she wants to try it, but it touched her in some way.  Apparently it is touching a lot of people and making them look more at something they may have avoided previously. 

So, this makes one wonder how many people out there will read this and get a better understanding of BDSM?   How many people will be even more turned off by it?  How many people will hide the hidden desires they find themselves having about BDSM?  Will be BDSM become more acceptable in the public view?  There are a lot of questions, and no real way to measure the answers.  Whatever the answers may be, it has brought this lifestyle to the forefront more than anything else in recent times.  Whether that is good for this community or bad remains to be seen.  We can all hope that it is a good thing in the end, but the feel so far is that it is a good thing.

(For the record, I have not read the book)

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