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Something So Special

There is something so special about trusting another person with all that you are.  There is something so special in giving yourself to someone so completely that you trust them to care for you, love you, guide you, and provide for all your needs...mentally, emotionally, and physically.  There is something so special about being able to feel like a priceless treasure to someone, by giving all you are and have to that person.

There is something so special about being trusted by another person with all that they are.  There is something so special about a person giving themself to you completely to love them, care for them, guide them, and provide for all their needs...mind, body, and soul.  There is something so special about making someone feel like a priceless treasure, by them being willing to give you all that they are and have.

There is something so special about the give and take of a D/s relationship. The outward appearance is that of one giving and the other taking.  The reality is that each person is giving the other what they need.  The reality is that each is taking what they need from the other.  The give and take ebbs and flows in perfect harmony based upon the needs and desires of each person within the couple. 

The entirety of a D/s relationship, and what it gives to each person involved, is something so special.

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