How many times have I been told this in my life? "My pussy is on fire!!! God what you do to me!" I don't think I have enough fingers and toes to count that high. Oh wait a second, yes I do, and probably on one hand. LOL! Sorry, I was having one of those fantasy moments. In all seriousness though, I have heard it a few times. Some have been in emails and chat, while a couple have been live and in person. This is something you just can't look away from. the thought that you were able to affect a woman to the point that she feels her pussy is on fire and feels it burning through her body...well, that's a feat for anyone.
I won't say that "The Burning Pussy Syndrome" (BPS) is confined strictly to submissive women, by any means. Yet, submissive women are the ones I have dealt with who have shared this feeling with me. And mostly it has come from newly discovered submissive women. From reading the blogs, I know a lot of women have this feeling of being so aroused and turned on that the heat between their legs is enormous. Yet, they have experienced this enough to expect it. A newly found submissive seems to be surprised by this occurrence. Maybe she hasn't felt it before, or maybe it's just been a really long time. Either way, she seems to be amazed at the heat build-up and the level of arousal she is experiencing. This doesn't have to even be by means of physical contact. It can be felt just by chatting or by emails. It's the mental connection with what is said, and how it is said that strikes a chord deep in the core of who she is and needs to be.
Earlier today I was reading the post Always in the mood... by Ariia on My Master's Slave. In this post she was discussing the notable difference in libidos between herself and her vanilla friend. I think there is a good reason for this, although I'm sure it doesn't apply to everyone. Submissive women have a tendency to be very open. they have cleared their mind of a lot of the barriers and societal parameters most women feel they must adhere to. Once a woman realizes she is not restrained (no pun intended) by expectations, and she is free to think and behave as a submissive, and that it is perfectly acceptable to do so, then she frees her body to experience new sensations. When the barriers are down, and and nothing is holding back her thoughts, no matter how raunchy or slutty, her mind, emotions and body will all respond in a positive manner. It's a big step for a lot of women to accept that it is ok to not only like sex, but to want it and need it. And in some cases...constantly.
Given all this, it's no wonder she feels heat between her legs like never before. She has never allowed herself to think and feel this freely about her sexual side before. She is now allowing herself to be who she needs to be. She needs to feel the fire in her pussy. Once she gets a taste of it, she only needs it more. She didn't know her pussy could feel this great, yet achy in need, all at the same time. She didn't know she could get this wet either. This is her new drug...her cocaine...her meth. She got a taste and now she's addicted. The monster wants the drug, and WANTS IT NOW!!!
Welcome to finding yourself to all the new little submissives. This is only the beginning for you, and it will only get better. there will always be bumps in the road, but they are manageable. This will be one of the best rides of your life, so enjoy every minute of it!
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